ISSRE 2020 - Flipped Conference Model


ISSRE will adopt a Flipped Conference Model, with the following 3 major stages:



  1. Pre-Conference
    The presenters make their presentation videos available one week before the conference. Attendees can watch the videos and read the papers at their own pace during this pre-conference timeframe.
    Session Chairs raise awareness on the topics, engage offline discussions with participants and collect interesting Q&A, through open discussion rooms (chat channels).
  2. Conference
    The conference is run in short live sessions (30 min for 3 papers), starting with a 2-3 min live pitch from each presenter, followed by Q&A. Questions and comments collected on the chat channel are used as a starting point for the Q&A.
    Keynotes, Tutorials, and the New Faculty Symposium are delivered live (no pre-recorded videos)
    Discussion rooms are kept available for attendees.
  3. Post-Conference
    Discussion rooms are kept open for follow-up discussions at least during one month after the conference ends.


Conference Platform


The conference will be run using Microsoft Teams on top of a license acquired by the University of Coimbra. You will receive an email with your credentials to access the "ISSRE2020 Pre-Conference” Team. IMPORTANT: Tutorials on how to authenticate and how to upload videos are available below

To access the "ISSRE2020 Pre-Conference” Team you must authenticate with the username provided (i.e. <something> If you use another email (e.g. your personal email address, then you will not have access to the team).


Downloadable Tutorials


1. How to Access the Conference Platform

2. How to Upload the Presentation Videos




The success of the conference depends on the preparation and engagement of the participants. Please follow these instructions:



  1. Provide us a 10-15 minutes video until 30/september. Details on how to upload are available above in the tutorials section. Videos will be shared in ISSRE platform and available to ISSRE participants only.
  2. Provide us a 2-3 minutes video pitch until 30/september. This pitch will not be made available, and will only be used as a contingency plan during the conference, if there are connectivity issues.
  3. Register to and follow your session discussion room in the week before the conference, as soon as the videos and papers are made public. You can comment and answer questions immediately, but you can also use the questions raised to prepare your Q&A live session.
  4. Present a live 2-3 minutes pitch (strict!) during the conference and answer questions.


All participants:

  1. Be familiar with the platform during the Pre-Conference stage. Perform the login process the week before the conference, or at least up to one day before the conference starts (login is known to be a major source of issues, so please do it early for us to be able to help you, if necessary).
  2. Watch the videos you are interested in, visit the discussion rooms and start posting questions and engaging in the pre-conference offline discussions. The author(s) might answer you in the channel, so stay tuned.
  3. Be prepared to ask questions during the sessions (never mind if you already posted the question in the channel, some attendees might have not seen it).
  4. Browse through the open channels and engage in the discussions you find relevant to you.
  5. Identify attendees whose research is relevant to you and do your networking. Most great projects emerge from such informal contacts.
  6. Participate in the follow-up discussions during the post-conference stage.
  7. Disseminate how inspiring ISSRE2020 was.